For booking info. please call me at: 419-779-1877 or email me at: [email protected] or fill in this form and press submit. Be sure to see my note at the bottom of the page!

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I am com­pletely self-contained with sound and lights. I have a large col­lec­tion of new and old coun­try music, 50s & 60s rock ‘n roll as well as clas­sic music from the likes of Frank Sina­tra, Bobby Darin, Elvis and more! I per­form my songs in absolute stage pro­fes­sional style, inter­act with, and I strive to please the musi­cal tastes of the peo­ple I per­form for. And, for the last several years, I have also ventured into entertaining senior citizens at retirement facilities, nursing homes, assisted living communities and so on. I enjoy playing for our seniors because they love taking a stroll down ‘memory lane’ as I call it, and I love watching the joy on their faces! If you are associated with a facility such as this looking for entertainment, please contact me.